Monthly Archives: December 2012

Celeriac and potato salad with cashew-miso dressing


Celeriac, or celery root, is a classic case of you-can’t-judge-a-book-by-its-cover.  Although it lacks aesthetic appeal, it is delicious when eaten both raw and cooked and is incredibly nutritious.  Its flavor is often described as a cross between celery and parsley and its raw texture reminds me of turnips crossed with jicama.  Continue reading


Filed under Recipes

Starting a blog

I have long wanted to start a blog, mostly because I have always found writing to be therapeutic.  It helps me to understand my thoughts, it’s a way to vent my frustrations, and it often allows me to see things from a different point of view.  But the point of a blog is to make thoughts public, and that has always been my hurdle.  Thinking publically opens you up to criticism and judgment, both of which I loathe.

What would people think of me if they knew about the quagmire inside my brain?  Would they ever look at me the same?  Would someone call a help line and have me treated for “exhaustion and dehydration”?  Would I be deemed an unfit mother and lose custody of my pets?  Would people always be waiting for me to leave the room so they could lean over and whisper to each other, “There’s that girl who thinks [fill in insane, irrational thought].  She’s crazy!”? Continue reading

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Filed under Blog, Musings