Tag Archives: B vitamins

Nutritional yeast

Yeast flakes

Nutritional yeast is a wonderful pantry staple for everyone, but especially for anyone who is lactose intolerant or vegan and still wants a little cheesiness in their foods.  It is an inactive yeast that is sold as yellow flakes and has a cheesy, nutty flavor.  It is not the same as bread yeast; it is deactivated, so it won’t grow and won’t leaven.  It is also not the same as brewer’s yeast; nutritional yeast is usually grown on molasses, so it is not at all bitter.  It can be sprinkled on anything from pasta and pizza and burritos to popcorn and scrambled tofu and baked potatoes.  It is often sold in the bulk section of stores like Whole Foods or Sprouts, or it is sold in containers in the supplement aisle.  It is a complete source of protein, containing all of the essential amino acids, and is a great source of B-complex vitamins.  It is often fortified with B12, which is very important for people eating plant-based diets. Continue reading


Filed under Nutrition



What a glorious fruit!  Avocado is a necessity for vegans.  It will make you not miss cheese, and that is spoken by a former cheese-aholic who didn’t recognize my addiction until I once opened the fridge and found 18 different kinds of cheeses.  No, we weren’t prepping for a cheese party and we didn’t have a family of 18.  That cheese was for just the two of us.  We needed help!  Now I am happily cheese-free, but I still want some soft, creamy, fatty goodness every once in a while.  Avocado is the healthiest, tastiest and most versatile way to satisfy that craving. Continue reading

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