Tag Archives: caged

A fair trade: One forever home for one life lesson

Life lessons don’t transpire every day.  My last one was passed down from a remarkable 95 year old that I am privileged enough to call Grandma.  This one came from an 8 month old puppy.

Harlan and I recently added a 7th member to our family- an 8 month old, pit bull-lab mix who we named Sergeant Pepper.  Our tally now stands at 2 humans, 2 dogs and 3 cats, and much to Harlan’s delight, we finally have a second Y chromosome in the family.  We always wanted two dogs, but Lita’s addition was so unplanned that we never came to a consensus about when the right time would be for pup #2.  I was advocating for sooner rather than later, but Harlan thought it was best for Lita to be older and better trained before bringing another dog into the mix.  I agreed to (try to) be patient about it, but proceeded to not-so-secretly check out the animal shelter website daily, thinking that if I could just find the right dog, Harlan would give in.  Every now and again I would call Harlan over to the computer.  He would patiently read about a dog that I had my eye on and listen to all the reasons why that dog would be perfect.  Then he would apologetically smile and say “I just don’t think that now is the right time”.  The right time for what, ripping my heart out and stomping on it?  Because you seem to have no problem with that!  Moving on… Continue reading

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