Tag Archives: moving

Do they give out awards for most innovative accolade storage container?

Moving is never fun.  Perhaps that is why Harlan always finds a way to weasel out of most of it most of the time.  During our 9+ years of togetherness, we have shared four different residences in three different states.  Our first cohabitance (yes, I totally just made up that word and can’t believe it doesn’t already exist) was a studio loft apartment in Alfred, NY, where we lived for two years.  Fourteen foot ceilings, huge windows, dead center of Main Street, a shower barely large enough for me to raise my arms… I really loved that apartment.  Next, we packed up and moved 900 miles into a four-plex in Missouri.  Five years later, it was another 900 miles to our cute rent-to-own house in Albuquerque.  Despite our intentions to rent-and-then-own, that house was ultimately not meant to be and we moved a year later when we became first time homeowners (only about 1 mile this time!).

So with all this moving, trekking across the country, cleaning and sorting, packing and unpacking…how did we end up with boxes upon boxes of junk that have continued to travel with us despite the fact that we don’t know what’s in half of them?  Continue reading


Filed under Blog, Musings